Monday 10 June 2013

Clean Frame

Well, it's raining and what can you do, but work on a motorbike.....

So off to the garage to see what I really have done to the frame, armed with a sanding sponge, drill and a wire wheel I proceeded to start sanding and cleaning and getting into all the nooks and crannies, nothing crazy just some light pressure with the sanding sponge, and afterwards used the wire wheel, and........

I am happy to say, the frame has actually come out not bad at all, no more rust, almost down to the bare metal, and about as smooth as a newborn's behind.......

I will have to be quick and get some primer on it now, since it's damp out there, but then it's a pain to prime with the humidity in the air so it's a bit of a pain at the moment, but Wednesday it's supposed to be nice, hopefully it will hold and not rust on me until then....

I believe the rims will be fine as well, it seems I am just below the first coat of paint on them, someone painted them white, right over the factory black, so there might be hope, if not, I can at least take them to a pro get them blasted even more and powdercoat that should get them looking OK once again....

so a few pics of a naked frame.......

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